“The power of the people united, is greater than the people in power.”


Many may recognise me for my activism for Palestine, but my journey fighting for the people began right here in the heart of Ilford. Ilford that has been my home and inspiration as a proud young British woman with a deep-rooted Palestinian heritage.

I have spent every significant chapter of my life here, from attending Wanstead High School and Beal Sixth Form, to becoming a Youth Worker at Frenford Youth Centre, to volunteering at local food banks and Redbridge Library: Ilford has been the foundation of my identity.

I'm the granddaughter of Palestinian refugees. They were expelled by militias during the Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948. I came into politics through my advocacy work for Palestinian rights. These past nine months have shown the inadequacies of an political elite that has turned a blind eye to genocide.

We have an MP who refuses to vote for peace, who is a senior member of a party that not only condoned the brutal murder of civilians but actively thwarted two attempts to call for a ceasefire in parliament.

I am not going to shy away from what brought me into politics. The injustices we see abroad directly reflect the callousness with which governments, red and blue, treat people at home. I care deeply for the welfare of my friends and neighbours in Ilford North, a place I spent most of my life and one that welcomed my parents as their home.

I take great pride in living in a multicultural Britain that cherishes diversity and embodies the essence of tolerance.

During the pandemic, I spent my time to volunteering at local food banks. This opened my eyes to the hardships faced by our community, working people, families. I grew up in a family that worked tirelessly to establish a home in this country, my parents worked hard, but too faced the challenges of a flawed housing system and the uncertainties of rental accommodation. They taught me the value of service. They taught me the value of solidarity and standing up for what's right, even when it's unpopular. They gave me my courage.

Driven by these experiences, I moved into human rights policy. striving to make systems fair and just. I'm no career politician, my ambition is that we rise and fight together against the continued neglect of our community. From disregarding Gaza to advocating NHS privatisation, the voices of Ilford North are consistently side-lined. Despite political shifts between Conservatives and Labour, meaningful change that would help rather than hold us down. Instead, both parties allow energy and water companies to make record profits, which are celebrated on the front page of newspapers, while we choose between heating or eating.

Our community has chosen me as an independent candidate, they have put their trust in me because they know my values match their own, and my commitment to our movement and our community is unwavering. I will not be distracted by party politics, Ilford North will be what drives my voice in parliament, always putting you first before any political agenda.

It's time to reclaim politics for the people, for too long they have benefited from our despair, but now they will no longer be able to ignore our courage, our hope.

Let's confront the realities of a cost-of-living crisis, which needs to come from a tax at the top and not from cuts to our public services. Real protection for our NHS for us as patients and respect and dignity for the staff who work tirelessly for us. Ensure our streets are safe, safe for everyone by working in the community tackling the root causes of crime. Make sure our youth have access to an inspiring education.

Join me and let's send a message on 4 July, Together, our courage will build a great future for Ilford North.